Programs & Services
Much more than the only drop-in day center for the homeless in Metrowest. We fight to improve the lives of those struggling with homelessness in our community.
We are a drop-in location that opens our doors to those who need our assistance, providing a safe place for adults in need. Visitors have access to many services, including picking up their mail, enjoying a meal, browsing free clothing, receiving hygiene items, and more. We welcome you to visit us if you are an adult who is homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Have lunch or a snack
Pick up your mail
Browse available clothing and shoes
Request hygiene items and socks
Be seen by one of our nurse volunteers and be referred, if necessary, to medical services
Use one of our computers
Watch TV and have an opportunity to relax
Make an appointment with our case managers
We are open Mondays through Fridays, 12:30 - 4:00 pm. We are a drop-in center, meaning you are welcome to come and receive our services at any point during our open hours. Staff is happy to assist you with your needs.
"I do not see our guests as a population, I see them as people. And this is an experience that they are going through and our job is to make it easier if we can."
- Carolyn Montalto, Executive Director
Case Management
We are here to help those who are homeless and at risk of homelessness gain stability in their lives. Our case managers can help with a wide variety of services and referrals through tailor-made action plans for our clients.
The Community Day Center of Waltham can help you:
Access health insurance
Apply for SNAP (State food program)
Apply for government housing
Find medical and psychological services
Locate night shelter accommodations
Secure detox and rehabilitation facilities
Handle probation and parole issues
Write a resume and conduct a job search
Apply for a phone
To schedule a Case Management appointment, speak with a staff member at the center or call 781-392-6311.
"If you meet with me every week, I will get you housing. Don't give up on me and I won't give up on you."
- Nina Lordi, Case Manager
We offer ongoing programs to our guests designed to provide support and guidance towards positive outcomes throughout the experience of being homeless and beyond. These programs are tailored to the specific needs of our guests, focusing on addressing some of the most difficult aspects of homelessness.
All programs are open to our guests. Speak with a staff member at the center if you have any questions on how to receive these services, or call 781-392-6311.
Stabilization Program
Led by our Case Managers, our stabilization program involves a detailed intake and a tailor-made action plan to assist guests in exiting homelessness and re-gaining stability in their lives through case management. Clients meet one-on-one with our case managers to get needed support with housing, medical insurance and appointments, detox and substance use support services, acquiring identity documents, and much more.
Sustainability Program
This program is designed for guests who have made substantial gains toward a more stable lifestyle, and would benefit from continued support and check-ins. This can include in-home appointments with clients who are in housing, to address any needs the client has after receiving housing.
Health Care Coordination Program
This program is designed to help our guests navigate their medical concerns and the medical field. Volunteer nurses are here on Tuesdays and Thursdays to consult on medical issues guests are experiencing, provide care, and make appropriate referrals when necessary. The center is not a licensed health care facility; however, nurses provide a basic health assessment and offer guidance and suggestions regarding health needs.
Substance Use Support Services
Smart Recovery Program Led by our Case Manager, Nina Lordi, Smart Recovery is a science based recovery support group that is an alternative to the traditional 12-step programs. This meeting is virtual, and can be joined through the Smart Recovery website, www.smartrecovery.org.
AA & NA Program Led by our Case Manager, Nina Lordi, AA and NA meetings are a fellowship of people coming together to solve their alcohol and narcotics problems. The program is centered around 12 spiritually based steps and traditions. Open to the community, meetings are held at the Community Day Center of Waltham on Fridays from 2 pm to 3 pm.
Seasonal Night Program
This program runs seasonally, providing shelter to our guests during the coldest winter months. Guests are provided a warm place to sleep, a shower and laundry facility, and hot meals. Additionally, our wrap around services mean that clients meet with case managers during the daytime to receive greater support.

Client Testimonials
"The fact that we have somewhere to go during the daytime, that's a great help. Especially when it's cold outside."
- R.S., CDCW Client
“They help you help yourself. They know you can do it.”
- G.C., CDCW Client
"The programs also made an impact for me. Facing homelessness for the first time, it changed a lot of things for me. I had to readapt, and they assisted me by giving me ways of coping."
- R.S., CDCW Client